
Laboratory of Macromolecular Crystallography

This is a review of the works carried out in LMC of the IMPB RAS. Information on other papers in this field may be found in the original papers listed below.

A statistical approach to the estimation of errors in the phases calculated from preliminary atomic models.

(1982-1985, 1994-2000)

      The goal of this project was to develop an approach, which would allow an estimation of the errors inherent in the structure factor phases calculated with the use of a preliminary atomic model of the studied object. By the reasons discussed below the two parts of this study were separated by about 10 years.

Iterative building of a preliminary atomic model

      The traditional goal of the first stage of determining a macromolecular structure is to find the function ρ(h,k,l), which presents the electron density distribution in the crystal of a studied object. This function is periodical in three space directions and may be presented as a three-dimensional Fourier series


In crystallography, the complex coefficients F(h,k,l)exp[i φ(h,k,l)] are referred to as structure factors while real values of F(h,k,l) and φ(h,k,l) are called magnitudes and phases, respectively. In a conventional X-ray experiment one can only determine the magnitudes F(h,k,l). The problem of restoring the phase values is called the phase problem of X-ray crystallography. Obviously, to solve it, some additional information on the studied object is required. Once approximate phase values have been found, they (together with experimental magnitudes) can be used to calculate an approximate density distribution by formula (1). If only a finite number of structure factors is used to calculate the series (1) they say that Fourier synthesis of a finite resolution has been calculated. The synthesis resolution depend on the number of structure factors used. The more terms in the series (1) are used the more fine details may be recognised in analysing this synthesis.

      The distribution found is then used to build a preliminary atomic model, i.e. to find approximate coordinates
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