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Laboratory of Computational Ecology
Lines of investigations
Scientific training activity
Cooperation with other organizations
Head -
L.G. Khanina
M.S. Romanov
N.V. Ivanova
E.M. Glukhova
M.A. Okhrimenko
G.L. Andrienko
The work is carried out in cooperation with the following organizations
Laboratory of Ecosystem Modeling of the Institute of Physicochemical and Biological Problems of Soil Science (ISSP RAS) (Pushchino)
Laboratory of Structural and Functional Organization and Resilience of Forest Ecosystems of the Center of Forest Ecology and Productivity of the Russian Academy of Science (Moscow)
Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)
Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG)
University of Oslo
University of Helsinki
Department of Geography, University of Lethbridge
Lines of investigations
Information and methodological support, and technical assistance on primary biodiversity data publishing through thematic facilities (, etc.)
Databases in geobotany and forest ecology (
Database on vascular plants of European Russia
Integrated software systems for vegetation assessment and analysis
Assessment and prognosis of vegetation biodiversity
Statistical modeling of phytocenoses including several-dimensional and spatial analysis
Population-demographic models
Validation of the ecological-coenotical groups of vascular plant species for Europen Russian forests
Modeling of forest ground vegetation diversity
Decision Support Systems for Forest Management
Current projects
Quantifying the factors limiting the distribution of earthworms in European Russia: a model approach.
Project of the Russian Science Foundation No. 23-24-00112. Research team: Natalya V. Ivanova (Senior researcher), Maxim P. Shashkov (Senior researcher), Sergey A. Ermolov (Junior researcher).
Effects of dead trunks of deciduous and coniferous trees on soil communities of fungi and bacteria in polydominant broadleaved forests after windthrows (metagenomic analysis).
Project of the Russian Science Foundation No. 24-24-00340. Research team: Larisa G. Khanina (Leading Researcher), Sergey V. Volobuev (Senior Researcher), Tatyana A. Bessonova (Researcher).
Metagenomic analysis of xylobiont fungi and bacteria in deadwoods of deciduous and coniferous trees at different stages of decomposition after a catastrophic windthrow in a mesic broad-leaved forest.
Project of the Russian Science Foundation No. 22-24-01063.
Recent Projects
Dynamics of ecosystem processes after local and mass windthrows in the broad-leaved forests.
Project of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research No. 20-04-00733.
Compiling of a review on ongoing projects on forest biodiversity investigations in Europe (including Russia).
Project of
European Forest Institute
571. (2000)
Silvicultural Systems for Sustainable Forest Resource Management (SILVICS).
Project of INTAS 01-0633.
Improvement of the ecological-coenotic group system of vascular plant species for European Russian forests by multivariate methods.
Project of RFBR # 05-04-49289.
Diversity of spruce and spruce-fir forests of the European Russia: a problem of identification of climax communities.
Project of RFBR # 04-04-49446.
Assessment and prognosis of vegetation diversity of Prioksko-Terrasnyj Reserve using GIS-technologies.
RFBR Project No 01-04-97024.
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