Flora of vascular plants in the Central European Russia

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Species Potamogeton pectinatus L.;
Taxonomy Potamogetonaceae Dumort.; Potamogeton L.
Species distribution by Meusel et al. (1965) Circumpolar; Plurazonal
Life form by Raunkiaer winter-green; hydromorphe
Relation to Central Russian Flora original
Ecological-coenotic group and subgroup Water-Swamp
Life strategy by Grime (1979)
Species indicator values
by Ellenberg et al. (1991) Temperature = 0
Continentality = 5
Soil Moisture = 12
Soil Reaction = 7
Soil Nutrients = 7
Light value = 6
by Landolt (1977) Temperature = 3
Continentality = 3
Soil Moisture = 5
Soil Reaction = 4
Soil Nutrients = 4
Humus value = 3
Aeration value = 4
Light value = 3
by Tsyganov (1983) Temperature: 3-13
Continentality = 2-15
Ombroclimate =
Crioclimate = 1-13
Soil Moisture = 21-23
Soil Reaction = 5-13
Soil Nutrients = 3-9
Mineral salt value = 7-11
Light value = 1-6