ICMBB Home Page
Laboratory of Macromolecular Crystallography
LMC Home page
LMC projects
Main directions of the Laboratory activities
Extension of Fourier synthesis resolution by means of phase improvement
The use of the maximal likelihood principle in protein crystallography
The development of an ab-initio procedure for solution of the crystallographic phase problem starting from the low resolution
The development of crystallographic software
Determining the structure of biological macromolecules
Crystallographic projects
The Fast Differentiation Algorithm and its applications in macromolecular crystallography
The use of Fourier syntheses histograms for solution of the phase problem in protein crystallography
The use of the connectivity properties of high-density regions for solution of the phase problem in macromolecular crystallography
The development of Few Atoms Model method for solution of the phase problem in protein crystallography
Ab-initio low-resolution phasing in crystallography of macromolecules by maximisation of the likelihood
A statistical approach to the estimates of errors in the phases calculated from a preliminary atomic model
Likelihood-base refinement of atomic models
The development of algorithms for the Molecular Replacement method
A new protocol for AmoRe program complex
T.E. Petrova
Non-crystallographic activities
The teaching of secondary school students for the computer science. How it started
N.L. Lunina
The development of teaching software for the secondary school
N.L. Lunina
The treatment of nucleotide sequences. The first steps (HEID-package)
N.L. Lunina
History of establishing of Pushchino Winter School
N.L. Lunina
IMPB RAS © 1998-2024