
Лаборатория кристаллографии макромолекул

Публикации Уржумцевой Л.М.

По состоянию на 01 января 2003

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Статьи в журналах

  • Urzhumtsev, A. & Urzhumtseva, L. (2002). "SF2CNS: general purpose program to calculate CNS-formatted maps easily", J. Appl. Cryst., 35, 750.
  • Urzhumtsev, A. & Urzhumtseva, L. (2002). "Multiple rotation function". Acta Cryst, D58, 2066-2075.
  • Urzhumtseva, L. & Urzhumtsev, A. (2002). "COMPANG: program for comparative analysis of rotation angles". J. Appl.Cryst., 35, 644-647.
  • Urzhumtseva, L.M. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (2000). "Tcl/Tk based programs. IV. CALCRYS: crystallographic calculator". J.Appl. Cryst., 33, 992-992.
  • Urzhumtseva, L.M. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (1999) "Tcl/Tk based programs. III. CRITXPL: graphical analysis of the X-PLOR refinement log-files". J.Appl. Cryst., 32, 376-377.
  • Urzhumtsev, A., Tête-Favier, F., Mitschler, A., Barbanton, J., Barth, P., Urzhumtseva, L., Biellmann, J-F., Podjarny, A.D. & Moras, D. (1997). "A 'specificity' pocket inferred from the crystal structures of the complexes of aldose reductase with the pharmaceutically important inhibitors tolrestat and sorbinil". Structure, 5, 5, 601-612.
  • Urzhumtseva, L.M. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (1997). "Tcl/Tk-based programs. II. CONVROT: a program to recalculate different rotation descriptions". J.Appl.Cryst., 30, 402-410.

Статьи в сборниках

  • Urzhumtseva, L. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (2001). "Multiple rotation function". CCP4 Newsletter on Protein Crystallography, 39, 79-85.
  • Urzhumtseva, L.M. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (1999). "Tcl/tk based programs: crystallographic calculator". CCP4 Newsletter on Protein Crystallography, 37, 5-6.
  • Urzhumtseva, L.M. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (1998). "Programs Tcl/Tk based crystallographic software: current state and new programs". CCP4 Newsletter on Protein Crystallography, 35, 22-24.
  • Urzhumtseva, L.M. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (1996). "Tcl/Tk-based programs. I. CONFOR - user-friendly converter for crystallographic data files". Joint CCP4 and ESF-EACBM Newsletter on Protein Crystallography, 32b, 40-42.
  • Urzhumtseva, L.M. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (1994). "Published methods in crystallography. Reference database on personal computers". Joint CCP4 and ESF-EACBM Newsletter on Protein Crystallography, 30, 45-47.
  • Borisyuk, R.M., Urzhumtseva, L.M. (1990) "Dynamical regimes in a system of interacting neural oscillators". In: A.Holden, V.Kryukov, eds., "Neural Networks: Theory and Architecture", Manchester University Press, Manchester & New York, p.9-20.

Тезисы конференций

  • Urzhumtsev, A. & Urzhumtseva, L. (2002). "Fonction de rotation multiple et logiciel COMPANG". GTBio-02, 16-19 Oct. 2002, Marseille, France, CO31.
  • Urzhumtseva, L. & Urzhumtsev, A. (2002). "Multiple rotation function for Molecular Replacement". Acta Cryst., A58, S, C78 [Collected Abstracts, XIXth IUCr Congress & General Assembly, 6-15 August 2002, Geneve, Switzerland, 78].
  • Urzhumtseva, L. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (2001). "Multiple rotation function". Euroconference on Phasing Biological Macromolecules (Phabio). Martina Franca – Italy, June 23-27, 2001, 4.53-4.59.
  • Urzhumtseva, L. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (2001). "Fonction de Rotation Multiple ". AFC2001 Colloque de l’Association Francaise de Cristallographie, Orsay, 3-6 juillet 2001, 98.
  • Urzhumtseva, L. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (2000). "CALCRYS, a new programs in the Tcl/Tk based crystallographic package". 19th European Crystallographic Meeting, Abstract book, 25th-31st August 2000 Nancy, France, 198.
  • Urzhumtseva L.M. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (1998). "Ensemble des logiciels interactifs pour la cristallographie macromoléculaire". Association Francaise de Cristallographie, AFC98, Orleans, 24-27 fevrier 1998, BSG-A04.
  • Podjarny, A. D., Urzhumtsev, A., Tete-Favier, F., Mitschler, A., Barbanton, J., Barth, P., Urzhumtseva, L., Biellmann, J.-F. & Moras, D. (1997). "The crystal structure of the complexes of aldose reductase with the inhibitors tolrestat and sorbinil". XVIIth European Cryst.Meeting, 24-28 August 1997, Lisbon, Portugal, 14.
  • Urzhumtsev, A. & Urzhumtseva, L. (1997). "New interactive tcl/tk-based software for macromolecular crystallographers". XVIIth European Cryst.Meeting, 24-28 August 1997, Lisbon, Portugal, 184.
  • Urzhumtsev, A.G., Lunin, V.Yu., Vernoslova, E.A., Urzhumtseva, L.M. & Podjarny, A.D. (1995). "La methode FAM pour le phasage ab-initio: Applications". AFC95, 24-27 Jan. 1995, Grenoble, BL15.
  • Borisyuk, R.M. Urzhumtseva, L.M. (1990) "Interactions of neural oscillators". Meeting on Medical Applications of the Computing Models in Neural Interaction, Czechoslovakia, Praha, June 1990, Coll.Abstr.