Лаборатория кристаллографии макромолекул
Публикации Уржумцева А.Г.
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Статьи в журналах
- Urzhumtsev, A. & Urzhumtseva, L. (2002).
"SF2CNS: general purpose program to calculate CNS-formatted maps easily"
J. Appl. Cryst., 35, 750.
- Lunin, V.Y., Afonine P.V. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (2002).
"Likelihood-based refinement. I. Irremovable model errors".
Acta Cryst. A58, 270–282.
- Lunin, V.Y., Urzhumtsev, A. & Bockmayr, A. (2002).
"Direct phasing by binary integer programming".
Acta Cryst. A58, 283–291.
- Urzhumtsev, A. & Urzhumtseva, L. (2002).
"Multiple rotation function".
Acta Cryst, D58, 2066-2075.
- Fokine, A. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (2002).
"On the use of low resolution data for translation search in molecular replacement".
Acta Cryst., A58, 72-74.
- Fokine, A. & Urzhumtsev, A. (2002).
"Flat bulk solvent model: getting optimal parameters".
Acta Cryst., D58 , 1387-1392.
- Urzhumtseva, L. & Urzhumtsev, A. (2002).
"COMPANG : program for comparative analysis of rotation angles".
J. Appl.Cryst., 35, 644-647.
- Lunin, V.Y., Lunina, N.L., Ritter, S., Frey, I., Berg, A., Diderichs, K., Podjarny, A.D., Urzhumtsev, A. & Baumstark M.W. (2001).
"Low-resolution data analysis for low-density lipoprotein particle".
Acta Cryst., D57, 108-121.
- Urzhumtsev, A.G. & Lunin, V.Y. (2001).
"Fast differentiation algorithm and efficient calculation of the exact matrix of second derivatives".
Acta Cryst.. A57, 451-460.
- Lunin, V.Y., Lunina, N.L. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (2000).
"Connectivity properties of high-density regions and ab initio phasing at low resolution".
Acta Cryst. A56, 375-382.
- Lunin, V.Y., Lunina, N.L., Petrova, T.E., Skovoroda, T.P., Urzhumtsev, A.G. & Podjarny, A.D. (2000).
"Low-resolution ab initio phasing: problems and advances".
Acta Cryst. D56, 1223-1232.
- Urzhumtsev, A.G., Lunina, N.L., Skovoroda, T.P., Podjarny, A.D. & Lunin, V.Y. (2000).
"Density constraints and low-resolution phasing".
Acta Cryst. D56, 1233-1244.
- Brino, L., Urzhumtsev, A.G., Mousli, M., Mitschler, A., Bergdoll, M., Oudet, P. & Moras, D. (2000).
"Dimerization of Escherichia coli DNA-gyrase B provides a structural mechanism for activating the ATPase catalytic center".
J.Biol.Chem., 275, 9468-9475.
- Urzhumtseva, L.M. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (2000).
"Tcl/Tk based programs. IV. CALCRYS: crystallographic calculator".
J.Appl. Cryst., 33, 992-992.
- Lunin, V.Y., Lunina, N.L. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (1999).
"Seminvariant density decomposition and connectivity analysis and their application to very low resolution macromolecular phasing"
Acta Cryst. A55, 916-925.
- Urzhumtseva, L.M. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (1999)
"Tcl/Tk based programs. III. CRITXPL: graphical analysis of the X-PLOR refinement log-files".
J.Appl. Cryst., 32, 376-377.
- Lunin, V.Yu., Lunina, N.L., Petrova, T.E., Urzhumtsev A.G. & Podjarny A.D. (1998).
"On the Ab initio> solution of the Phase Problem for Macromolecules at Very Low Resolution. II. Generalized Likelihood Based Approach to Cluster Discrimination".
Acta Cryst. D54, 726-734.
- Urzhumtsev, A., Tête-Favier, F., Mitschler, A., Barbanton, J., Barth, P., Urzhumtseva, L., Biellmann, J-F., Podjarny, A.D. & Moras, D. (1997).
"A 'specificity' pocket inferred from the crystal structures of the complexes of aldose reductase with the pharmaceutically important inhibitors tolrestat and sorbinil".
Structure, 5, 5, 601-612.
- Urzhumtseva, L.M. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (1997).
"Tcl/Tk-based programs. II. CONVROT: a program to recalculate different rotation descriptions".
J.Appl.Cryst., 30, 402-410.
- Urzhumtsev, A.G. (1997).
"Local improvement of electron density maps".
Acta Cryst., D53, 540-543.
- Podjarny, A.D., Howard, E.I., Urzhumtsev, A.G. & Grigera, J.R. (1997).
"A Multicopy Modeling of the Water Distribution in Macromolecular Crystals".
Proteins, 28, 303-312.
- Urzhumtsev, A.G., Skovoroda, T.P. & Lunin, V.Yu. (1996).
"A procedure compatible with X-PLOR for the calculation of electron-density maps weighted using an R-free-likelihood-based approach".
J.Appl.Cryst., 29, 741-744.
- Urzhumtsev, A.G., Vernoslova, E.A. & Podjarny, A.D. (1996).
"Approaches to Very Low Resolution Phasing of the Ribosome 50S particle from Thermus thermophilus by the Few-Atoms-Models and Molecular-Replacement Methods".
Acta Cryst., D52,1092-1097.
- Lunin, V.Yu., Lunina, N.L., Petrova, T.E., Vernoslova, E.A., Urzhumtsev, A.G. & Podjarny, A.D. (1995).
"On the ab-initio Solution of the Phase Problem for Macromolecules at Very Low Resolution: the Few Atoms Model Method".
Acta Cryst., D51, 896-903.
- Urzhumtsev, A.G. & Podjarny, A.D. (1995).
"On the Solution of the Molecular Replacement Problem at Very Low Resolution: Application to Large Complexes".
Acta Cryst., D51, 888-895.
- Tete-Favier, F., Barth, P., Mitchler, A., Podjarny, A.D., Rondeau, J.-M., Urzhumtsev, A., Biellmann, J.-F. & Moras, D. (1995).
"Aldose Reductase from Pig Lens".
European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 30, S, 589-603.
- Urzhumtsev, A.G. & Podjarny, A.D. (1994).
"Programs for translation searches with two independent models simultaneously".
J.Appl.Cryst., 27, 122-124.
- Chirgadze, Yu.N., Nevskaya, N.A., Vernoslova, E.A., Nikonov, S.V., Sergeev, Yu.V., Brazhnikov, E.V., Fomenkova, N.P., Lunin, V.Yu., Urzhumtsev, A.G. (1991).
"Crystal structure of calf eye lens gamma-crystalline IIIb at 2.5A resolution: its relation to function".
Experimental Eye Research, 53, 295-304.
- Моргунова Е.Ю., Михайлов А.М., Уржумцев А.Г., Вайнштейн Б.К. (1992).
"Строение капсида CMtV при разрешении 6А в кристаллическом состоянии".
Кристаллография, 37, 2, 396-404.
- Чиргадзе Ю.Н., Бражников Е.В., Никонов С.В., Фоменкова Н.П., Гарбер М.Б., Уржумцев А.Г., Лунин В.Ю., Чиргадзе Ю.Н., Некрасов Ю.В. (1991).
"Кристаллическая структура рибосомного фактора G из бактерий Thermus Thermophilus при низком разрешении".
Доклады АН СССР, 320, в.2, 488-491.
- Urzhumtsev, A.G. (1991).
"How to calculate planarity restraints".
Acta Cryst., A47, 723-727.
- Urzhumtsev, A.G. (1991).
"Low-resolution phases: influence on SIR-syntheses and retrieval with double-step filtration".
Acta Cryst., A47, 794-801.
- Lunin, V.Yu., Urzhumtsev, A.G. & Skovoroda, T.A. (1990).
"Direct low-resolution phasing from electron-density histograms in protein crystallography".
Acta Cryst., A46, 540-544.
- Лобсанов Ю.Д., Плетнев В.З., Втюрин Н.Н., Лубнин М.Ю., Мокульский М.А., Уржумцев А.Г., Лунин В.Ю., Лузянина Т.Б. (1990).
"Рентгеноструктурные исследования комплекса лектина из гороха с углеводом при разрешении 2,4А. I. Атомная модель".
Биоорганическая химия, 16, 12б 1589-1598.
- Urzhumtsev, A.G., Lunin, V.Yu. & Luzyanina, T.B. (1989).
"Bounding a Molecule in a Noisy Synthesis".
Acta Cryst., A45, 34-39.
- Urzhumtsev, A.G., Lunin, V.Yu. & Vernoslova, E.A. (1989).
"FROG - high-speed restraint-constraint refinement program for macromolecular structure".
J.Appl.Cryst., 22, 500-506.
- Чиргадзе Ю.Н., Невская Н.А., Фоменкова Н.П., Никонов С.В., Сергеев Ю.В., Бражников Е.В., Гарбер М.Б., Лунин В.Ю., Уржумцев А.Г., Вернослова Е.А. (1986).
"Пространственная структура гамма-кристаллина IIIb из хрусталика глаза теленка при разрешении 2,5Ǻ".
Доклады АН СССР, 290, 2, 492-495.
- Lunin, V.Yu., Urzhumtsev, A.G., Vernoslova, E.A., Chirgadze, Yu.N., Nevskaya, N.A. & Fomenkova, N.P. (1985).
"Phase Improvement in Protein Crystallography Using a Mixed Electron Density Model".
Acta Cryst., A41, 166-171.
- Lunin, V.Yu. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (1985).
"Program construction for macromolecule atomic model refinement based on the fast Fourier transform and fast differentiation algorithms".
Acta Cryst., A41, 327-333.
- Lunin, V.Yu. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (1984).
"Improvement of Protein Phases by Coarse Model Modification".
Acta Cryst., A40, 269-277.
- Лунин В.Ю. & Уржумцев А.Г. (1983).
"Повышение разрешения карт электронной плотности белков путем уточнения модельной структуры. I. Численные эксперименты".
Кристаллография, 28, в.2, 310-315.
Статьи в сборниках
- Lunin, V.Y., Urzhumtsev, A. & Bockmayr, A. (2002).
"Direct phasing by Binary integer programming and its use for envelope determination".
CCP4 Newsletter on Protein Crystallography, 40_12.
- Afonine, P., Lunin, V.Y. & Urzhumtsev, A. (2002).
"Search of the optimal strategy for refinement of atomic models".
CCP4 Newsletter on Protein Crystallography, 40_14.
- Fokine, A. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (2002).
"Bulk solvent correction for yet unsolved structures".
CCP4 Newsletter on Protein Crystallography, 40.
- Afonine, P., Pichon-Pesme, V., Muzet, N., Lecomte, C. & Urzhumtsev, A. (2002).
"Modelling of bond electrons by Gaussian scatters at subatomic resolution".
CCP4 Newsletter on Protein Crystallography, 41.
- Afonine, P., Lunin, V.Y. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (2001).
"Maximum-likelihood refinement of atomic models using least-squares criterion".
CCP4 Newsletter on protein crystallography, 39, 52-56.
- Urzhumtsev, A.G. & Lunin, V.Y. (2001).
"Efficient calculation of the exact matrix of the second derivatives".
CCP4 Newsletter on protein crystallography, 39, 60-67.
- Lunin, V.Y., Podjarny, A.D. & Urzhumtsev, A. (2001)
"Low-resolution phasing in macromolecular crystallography".
In : Advances in Structure Analysis, CSCA, Prague, Czech Republic, R.Kuzel & J.Hasek, eds., 4-36.
- Urzhumtsev, A., Podjarny, A. & Lunin, V.Y. (2001).
"Ab initio phasing starting from low resolution".
Invited article. Euroconference on Phasing, 23-27 June 2001, Martina Franca, Italy, 4.35-4.40.
- Podjarny, A.D., Urzhumtsev, A. & Uson, I. (2001).
"Ab-initio methods for structure determination".
In : Advances in Structure Analysis, CSCA, Prague, Czech Republic, R.Kuzel & J.Hasek, eds., 1-3.
- Fokine, A. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (2001).
"Improvement of noisy maps by bulk solvent correction".
CCP4 Newsletter on Protein Crystallography, 39, 71-78.
- Urzhumtseva, L. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (2001).
"Multiple rotation function".
CCP4 Newsletter on Protein Crystallography, 39, 79-85.
- Urzhumtsev, A.G. (2000).
"Modelling of disordered solvent in macromolecular crystals".
CCP4 Newsletter on Protein Crystallography, 38, 38-49.
- Lunin, V.Y. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (1999).
"Maximal Likelihood Refinement. It works, but why?".
CCP4 Newsletter on Protein Crystallography, 37, 14-28.
- Urzhumtseva, L.M. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (1999).
"Tcl/tk based programs: crystallographic calculator".
CCP4 Newsletter on Protein Crystallography, 37, 5-6.
- Urzhumtseva, L.M. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (1998).
"Programs Tcl/Tk based crystallographic software: current state and new programs".
CCP4 Newsletter on Protein Crystallography, 35, 22-24.
- Urzhumtsev, A.G., Podjarny, A.D. & Lunin, V.Y. (1998).
"On density modification at very low resolution".
CCP4 Newsletter on Protein Crystallography, 35, 25-33.
- Podjarny, A.D., Urzhumtsev, A.G. & Lunin, V.Y. (1997).
"Model based low resolution phasing".
In: Direct Methods for Solving Macromolecular Structures, ed. S.Fortier, NATO ASI Series C, Vol.507, 421-431.
- Urzhumtsev, A.G., Lunin, V.Yu. & Podjarny, A.D. (1997).
"Low resolution crystallographic images".
In Recent Advances in Phasing, Ed. By K.S.W.Wilson, G.Davies, A.W.Ashton & S.Bailey, Proceedings of the CCP4 Study Weekend, University of York, 3-4 January, 1997, 207-214.
- Podjarny, A.D. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (1997).
"Low resolution phasing".
In Methods in Enzymology, Academic Press, San Diego., C.W.Carter, Jr., R.M.Sweet, eds. 276A, 641-658.
- Urzhumtsev, A.G. (1996).
"Density growing : a method for local improvement of electron density maps".
Joint CCP4 and ESF-EACBM Newsletter on Protein Crystallography, 32b, 36-39.
- Urzhumtsev, A.G. (1996).
"Relations between some rotation descriptions for molecular replacement procedure".
Joint CCP4 and ESF-EACBM Newsletter on Protein Crystallography, 32b, 43-46.
- Urzhumtseva, L.M. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (1996).
"Tcl/Tk-based programs. I. CONFOR - user-friendly converter for crystallographic data files".
Joint CCP4 and ESF-EACBM Newsletter on Protein Crystallography, 32b, 40-42.
- Podjarny, A.D., Rees, B. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (1996).
"Density modification in X-ray crystallography".
In Methods in Molecular Biology, 56: "Crystallographic Methods and Protocols", ed. C.Jones, B.Milloy, M.R.Sanderson, Totowa, New Jersey: Humana Press, 205-226.
- Urzhumtsev, A.G. & Podjarny, A.D. (1995).
"On the problem of solvent modeling in macromolecular crystals using diffraction data: 1. The low-resolution range".
Joint CCP4 and ESF-EACBM Newsletter on Protein Crystallography, 31, 12-16.
- Volkmann, N., Schlünzen, F., Urzhumtsev, A.G., Vernoslova, E.A., Podjarny, A.D., Roth, M., Pebay-Peyroula , E., Berkovitch-Yellin, Z., Zaytzev-Bashan, A. & Yonath, A. (1995).
"On ab-initio phasing of ribosomal particles at very low resolution".
Joint CCP4 and ESF-EACBM Newsletter on Protein Crystallography, 31, 23-32.
- Ivanov, M.E. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (1995).
"FROG PC - a menu-based environment for atomic model refinement program on a personal computer".
Joint CCP4 and ESF-EACBM Newsletter on Protein Crystallography, 31, 20-22.
- Lunin, V.Yu., Lunina, N.L., Petrova, T.E., Vernoslova, E.A., Urzhumtsev, A.G. & Podjarny, A.D. (1994).
"On the ab-initio solution of the phase problem for macromolecules at very low resolution. The Few Atoms Model method".
Joint CCP4 and ESF-EACBM Newsletter on Protein Crystallography, 30, 37-44.
- Vernoslova, E.A. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (1994).
"Current development in the program package FROG for atomic model refinement".
Joint CCP4 and ESF-EACBM Newsletter on Protein Crystallography, 30, 27-28.
- Urzhumtsev, A.G., Podjarny, A.D. & Navaza, J. (1994).
"On the solution of the molecular replacement problem at very low resolution".
Joint CCP4 and ESF-EACBM Newsletter on Protein Crystallography, 30, 29-36.
- Urzhumtseva, L.M. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (1994).
"Published methods in crystallography. Reference database on personal computers".
Joint CCP4 and ESF-EACBM Newsletter on Protein Crystallography, 30, 45-47.
- Podjarny, A.D., Urzhumtsev, A.G. & Navaza, J. (1994).
"On the solution of the molecular replacement problem at very low resolution: application to a ribosome model crystal".
ACA Transactions, 30, 109-120.
- Urzhumtsev, A.G. (1992).
"On the reliability of atomic models in the PDB: stereochemical point of view".
Joint CCP4 and ESF-EACBM Newsletter on Protein Crystallography, 27, 31-32.
- Urzhumtsev, A.G., Lunin, V.Yu. & Vernoslova, E.A. (1990).
"New refinement program FROG gives new possibilities to study macromolecular models".
Proc.of the First Intern. Meeting on Structure and Chemistry of Ribonucleases, Moscow, USSR, December 1989, 410-415.
- Уржумцев А.Г., Лунин В.Ю., Вернослова Е.А. (1989).
"FROG - комплекс программ для локального уточнения атомной структуры макромолекул".
В сб. "Компьютерные методы белковой инженерии", Программное обеспечение ЭВМ, Институт математики АН БССР, Институт биоорганической химии, 86, 86-97, Минск.
Препринты, программные выпуски
- Уржумцев А.Г., Лунин В.Ю., Вернослова Е.А. (1989).
"FROG - комплекс программ для локального уточнения атомной структуры макромолекул"
B сб. "Компьютерные методы белковой инженерии", Программное обеспечение ЭВМ, Институт математики АН БССР, Институт биоорганической химии, 86, 86-97, Минск.
- Уржумцев А.Г. (1985).
"Использование локального усреднения при анализе изображения макромолекул на картах распределения электронной плотности".
Препринт, НЦБИ АН СССР, Пущино.
- Лунин В.Ю., Уржумцев А.Г., Вернослова Е.А., Чиргадзе Ю.Н., Фоменкова Н.П., Невская Н.А. (1984).
"Использование смешанной модели электронной плотности для улучшения набора фаз в белковой кристаллографии".
Препринт, НЦБИ АН СССР, Пущино.
- Лунин В.Ю., Уржумцев А.Г. (1983).
"Конструирование программ для уточнения атомной структуры макромолекул на базе алгоритмов быстрого преобразования Фурье и быстрого дифференцирования".
Препринт, НЦБИ АН СССР, Пущино.
- Уржумцев А.Г., Лунин В.Ю. (1982).
"Повышение разрешения карт электронной плотности белков путем уточнения модельной структуры. Улучшение набора фаз для g-кристаллина IIIb".
Препринт, НЦБИ АН СССР, Пущино.
- Лунин В.Ю., Уржумцев А.Г. (1981).
"Повышение разрешения карт электронной плотности белков путем уточнения модельной структуры. I. Описание метода".
Препринт, НЦБИ АН СССР, Пущино.
Диссертации, авторефераты
- Urzhumtsev, A. (1996).
"Developpement de methodes et logiciels pour la determination de structures macromoleculaires par radiocristallographie. Applications e differents projets".
Synthese d’activite scientifique, Strasbourg, 1996.
- Уржумцев А.Г. (1985).
"Использование смешанной атомной модели для улучшения наборов фаз структурных факторов при рентгеноструктурном исследовании макромолекул".
Автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени к.ф.-м.н, Институт Кристаллографии АН СССР, Москва.
- Уржумцев А.Г. (1985).
"Использование смешанной атомной модели для улучшения наборов фаз структурных факторов при рентгеноструктурном исследовании макромолекул".
Диссертация на соискание ученой степени к.ф.-м.н, Институт Кристаллографии АН СССР, Москва.
Тезисы конференций
- Afonine, P., Lunin, V.Y. & Urzhumtsev, A. (2002).
"Quadratic approximation of the maximum-likelihood criterion ".
Acta Cryst., A58, S, C263 [Collected Abstracts, XIXth IUCr Congress & General Assembly, 6-15 August 2002, Geneve, Switzerland, 263]
- Afonine, P. & Urzhumtsev, A. (2002).
"Affinement par moindres carrés et par vraisemblance maximale".
Journée de l’Ecole Doctorale EMMA, 23 Avril 2002, Nancy, 48-51.
- Fokine, A., Lunina, N., Lunin, V.Y. & Urzhumtsev, A. (2002).
"Bulk solvent and its role in macromolecular phasing".
Acta Cryst., A58, S, C267 [Collected Abstracts, XIXth IUCr Congress & General Assembly, 6-15 August 2002, Geneve, Switzerland, 267]
- Fokine, A & Urzhumtsev, A. (2002).
"Modélisation du solvant dèsordonné dans de cristaux macromoléculaires"
Journée de l’Ecole Doctorale EMMA, 23 Avril 2002, Nancy, 71-73.
- Urzhumtsev, A., Lunin, V.Yu., Lunina, N.L., Ritter, S., Frey, I., Keul, J., Diederichs, K., Podjarny, A. & Baumstark, M. (2002).
"LDL particle: Direct structure determination ".
Collected Abstracts, ACA Meeting, 25-30 May 2002, San Antonio, USA, 33
- Urzhumtsev, A., Lunina, N., Chabriere, E. & Lunin, V.Y. (2002).
"Direct phasing in crystallography : connectivity of electron density maps".
Z. Krist., Suppl. 19, 16. [Collected Abstracts, DGK Meeting, 4-7 March 2002, Kiel, Germany].
- Urzhumtsev, A., Lunina, N.L. & Lunin, V.Y. (2002).
"The connectivity-based choice in macromolecular low resolution ab-initio phasing".
Acta Cryst., A58, S, C43 [Collected Abstracts, XIXth IUCr Congress & General Assembly, 6-15 August 2002, Geneve, Switzerland, 43].
- Urzhumtsev, A. & Urzhumtseva, L. (2002).
"Fonction de rotation multiple et logiciel COMPANG".
GTBio-02, 16-19 Oct. 2002, Marseille, France, CO31.
- Urzhumtseva, L. & Urzhumtsev, A. (2002).
"Multiple rotation function for Molecular Replacement".
Acta Cryst., A58, S, C78 [Collected Abstracts, XIXth IUCr Congress & General Assembly, 6-15 August 2002, Geneve, Switzerland, 43].
- Afonine, P., Lunin, V.Y. & Urzhumtsev, A. (2001).
"Maximum-likelihood refinement of atomic models using least squares criterion".
XXth European Cryst.Meeting, 25-31 August 2001, Krakow, Poland, 148.
- Afonine, P., Lunin, V.Y. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (2001).
"Simulation du critère de vraisemblance maximale par le critère de moindre carré".
AFC2001 Colloque de l’Association Francaise de Cristallographie, Orsay, 3-6 juillet 2001, 97.
- Afonine, P., Lunin, V.Y. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (2001).
"Maximum-likelihood refinement of atomic models using least-squares criterion".
Euroconference on Phasing Biological Macromolecules (Phabio). Martina Franca – Italy, June 23-27, 2001, 4.47-4.51.
- Chabriere, E., Lunina, N., Lunin, V.Y. & Urzhumtsev, A. (2001).
"From low resolution to secondary structure elements".
ECM-20 Abstracts, XXth European Cryst.Meeting, 25-31 August 2001, Krakow, Poland, 70.
- Chabriere, E., Lunina, N., Urzhumtsev, A.G. & Lunin, V.Y. (2001).
"Phasage ab initio par critères de connectivité: de la basse résolution aux structures secondaires".
AFC2001 Colloque de l’Association Francaise de Cristallographie, Orsay, 3-6 juillet 2001, 99.
- Fokine, A. & Urzhumtsev, A. (2001).
"Improvement of electron density maps using a model for the bulk solvent".
Euroconference on Phasing Biological Macromolecules (Phabio). Martina Franca – Italy, June 23-27, 2001, 4.43-4.43.
- Fokine, A. & Urzhumtsev, A. (2001).
"Amélioration des cartes de densité électronique par utilization d'un modèle du solvant mal ordonné".
AFC2001 Colloque de l’Association Francaise de Cristallographie, Orsay, 3-6 juillet 2001, 96.
- Lunin, V.Y., Urzhumtsev, A.G. & Podjarny, A.D. (2001).
"Phasage ab initio à basse résolution".
AFC2001 Colloque de l’Association Francaise de Cristallographie, Orsay, 3-6 juillet 2001, 95.
- Morales, R., Viguie, N., Ferrer, J.L., Urzhumtsev, A. Fontecilla-Camps, J.C., Masson, P. & Chabriere, E. (2001).
"Etude cristallographique de la paraoxonase humaine".
AFC2001 Colloque de l’Association Francaise de Cristallographie, Orsay, 3-6 juillet 2001, 128.
- Urzhumtsev, A., Podjarny, A. & Lunin, V.Y. (2001).
"Ab initio phasing starting from low resolution".
Euroconference on Phasing Biological Macromolecules (Phabio). Martina Franca – Italy, June 23-27, 2001, 4.35-4.40.
- Urzhumtseva, L. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (2001).
"Multiple rotation function".
Euroconference on Phasing Biological Macromolecules (Phabio). Martina Franca – Italy, June 23-27, 2001, 4.53-4.59.
- Urzhumtseva, L. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (2001).
"Fonction de Rotation Multiple ".
AFC2001 Colloque de l’Association Francaise de Cristallographie, Orsay, 3-6 juillet 2001, 98.
- Lunin, V.Y., Lunina, N.L., Podjarny, A.D., Ritter, S., Frey, I., Keul, J., Diederichs, K., Baumstark, M.W. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (2000).
"Structure of human low density lipoprotein (LDL) at low resolution: ab initio phasing methods for structure determination".
ECM19 Satellite Meeting “Frontiers in macromolecular crystallography”, Bishenberg, August, 31-September, 3, France, 31.
- Lunin, V.Y. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (2000).
"Maximal Likelihood refinement. It works, but why?".
Acta Cryst. A56, S, S201.
- Lunin, V.Y. & Urzhumtsev, A. (2000).
"Maximal Likelihood refinement. It works, but why?".
19th European Crystallographic Meeting, Abstract book, 25th-31st August 2000, Nancy, France, 201.
- Lunina, N., Lunin, V.Y., Podjarny, A., Ritter, S., Frey, I., Keul, J., Diederichs, K., Baumstark, M. & Urzhumtsev, A. (2000).
"Structure of human low density lipoprotein (LDL) at low resolution: structure determination and analysis".
ECM19 Satellite Meeting “Frontiers in macromolecular crystallography”, Bishenberg, August, 31-September, 3, France, 32.
- Lunina, N.L., Lunin, V.Y. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (2000).
"Use of map connectivity properties in macromolecular ab-initio phasing".
19th European Crystallographic Meeting, Abstract book, 25th-31st August 2000, Nancy, France, 62.
- Lunina, N.L., Lunin, V.Y. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (2000).
"Use of map connectivity properties in macromolecular ab-initio phasing".
Acta Cryst. A56, S, S62.
- Ritter, S., Lunina, N.L., Lunin, V.Y., Urzhumtsev, A.G., Podjarny, A.D., Frey, I., Diederichs, K. & Baumstark, M.W. (2000).
"Crystallizacion and structure determination of human low density lipoprotein (LDL) at low resolution, using ab initio phases".
19th European Crystallographic Meeting, Abstract book, 25th-31st August 2000 Nancy, France, 299.
- Ritter, S., Lunina, N. L., Lunin, V. Y., Urzhumtsev, A. G., Podjarny, A.D., Frey, I., Diederichs, K. & Baumstark, M.W. (2000).
"Crystallization and structure determination of human low density lipoprotein (LDL) at low resolution, using ab initio phases".
Acta Cryst. A56, S, S299.
- Urzhumtsev, A., Lunin, V.Y. & Lunina, N. (2000).
"Density constraints and direct phasing".
19th European Crystallographic Meeting, Abstract book, 25th-31st August 2000 Nancy, France, 108.
- Urzhumtsev, A., Lunin, V.Y. & Lunina, N. (2000).
"Density constraints and direct phasing".
Acta Cryst. A56, S, S108.
- Urzhumtsev, A.G., Podjarny, A. & Lunin, V.Y. (2000).
"Direct phasing at low resolution: current state and expectations".
Millennium Symposium on Structural Biology, 26-29 March 2000, Heidelberg, Germany, Collected Abstracts, 103.
- Urzhumtseva, L. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (2000).
"CALCRYS, a new programs in the Tcl/Tk based crystallographic package".
19th European Crystallographic Meeting, Abstract book, 25th-31st August 2000 Nancy, France, 198.
- Urzhumtseva, L. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (2000).
"CALCRYS, a new programs in the Tcl/Tk based crystallographic package".
Acta Cryst. A56, S, S198.
- Lunin, V.Y., Urzhumtsev, A.G. & Podjarny, A.D. (1999).
"Low resolution phasing. Achievements and perspectives".
XVIII Congress and General Assembly of IUCr, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, August 4-13, 1999. Collected Abstracts, 121.
- Lunina, N.L., Lunin, V.Y. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (1999).
"The connectivity-based choice in macromolecular low resolution ab-initio phasing".
XVIII Congress and General Assembly of ICU, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, August 4-13, 1999. Collected Abstracts, 123.
- Urzhumtsev, A.G. (1999).
"Solvent modelling at low resolution".
XVIII Congress and General Assembly of IUCr, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, August 4-13, 1999. Collected Abstracts, 122.
- Urzhumtsev, A.G., Lunina, N. & Lunin, V. (1999)
"Proprietes Topologiques et Phasage Direct".
GTBio-99, 12-15 Oct. 1999, Hourtin (Bordeaux, France), CO31.
- Lunin, V.Yu., Lunina, N.L., Petrova, T.E., Urzhumtsev, A.G. & Podjarny, A.D. (1998).
"Very low resolution ab-initio phasing. Problems and advances".
Eighteenth European Crystallographic Meeting, Praha, Czech Republic, August 15-20, 1998. Abstracts (A), 131-132.
- Podjarny, A.D., Lunina, N., Urzhumtsev, A.G., Vernoslova, E.A., Petrova, T. & Lunin, V. (1998).
"Ab-initio phasing at 30 A of the t50S ribosomal particle with the Few Atoms Model method".
ACA Annual Meeting, Arlington, Virginia, July 18-23, 1998, 11.03.08, 74.
- Podjarny, A.D., Urzhumtsev, A.G., Vernoslova, E.A., Petrova, T., Lunina, N. & Lunin, V. (1998).
"Recent advances on the application of the few atom model method to the T50S ribosomal particle".
Association Francaise de Cristallographie, AFC98, Orleans, 24-27 fevrier 1998, BCG-A02.
- Urzhumtsev, A.G., Lunin, V.Y. & Lunina, N.L. (1998).
"Seminvariant density decomposition and connectivity analysis in the low resolution macromolecular phasing".
Eighteenth European Crystallographic Meeting, Praha, Czech Republic, August 15-20, 1998. Abstracts (A), 482-483.
- Urzhumtseva L.M. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (1998).
"Ensemble des logiciels interactifs pour la cristallographie macromoléculaire".
Association Francaise de Cristallographie, AFC98, Orleans, 24-27 fevrier 1998, BSG-A04.
- Lunin, V.Yu., Lunina, N.L., Petrova, T.E., Urzhumtsev, A.G. & Podjarny, A.D. (1997).
"A generalized likelihood and the phase cluster choice problem".
In Direct methods for solving macromolecular structures, Lecture Notes, Erice, Italy, May 22 - June 02 1997, 485.
- Лунин В.Ю., Уржумцев А.Г., Поджарни А.Д. (1997).
"Решение фазовой проблемы при низком разрешении в кристаллографии белка".
Национальная конференция по применению Рентгеновского, Синхротронного излучений, Нейтронов и Электронов для исследования материалов, Дубна, 25-29 мая 1997, Тезисы докладов, 212.
- Lunin, V.Yu., Urzhumtsev, A.G. & Podjarny, A.D. (1997).
"The use of generalized likelihood based approach in low-resolution ab-initio phasing".
Seventeenth European Crystallographic Meeting, Collected abstracts, Lisboa - Portugal 24/28 August 1997, 53.
- Лунина Н.Л., Лунин В.Ю., Уржумцев А.Г. (1997).
"Выращивание плотности" - новый метод локального улучшения синтезов Фурье".
Национальная конференция по применению Рентгеновского, Синхротронного излучений, Нейтронов и Электронов для исследования материалов, Дубна, 25-29 мая 1997, Тезисы докладов, 222.
- Lunina, N.L. & Urzhumtsev, A. (1997).
"Density growing: a new approach to the local improvement of electron density maps".
XVIIth European Cryst.Meeting, 24-28 August 1997, Lisbon, Portugal, 92.
- Podjarny, A. D., Urzhumtsev, A., Tete-Favier, F., Mitschler, A., Barbanton, J., Barth, P., Urzhumtseva, L., Biellmann, J.-F. & Moras, D. (1997).
"The crystal structure of the complexes of aldose reductase with the inhibitors tolrestat and sorbinil".
XVIIth European Cryst.Meeting, 24-28 August 1997, Lisbon, Portugal, 14.
- Urzhumtsev, A.G., Lunin, V.Yu. & Podjarny, A,D. (1997).
"Low Resolution Phasing: After First Images".
Workshop "Validation and refinement of macromolecular structures", Abstracts, Porto, Portugal, August 29-30.
- Urzhumtsev, A. & Urzhumtseva, L. (1997).
"New interactive tcl/tk-based software for macromolecular crystallographers".
XVIIth European Cryst.Meeting, 24-28 August 1997, Lisbon, Portugal, 184.
- Grigera, J.R., Howard, E.I., Urzhumtsev, A.G. & Podjarny, A.D. (1996).
"Hydration of biomacromolecules by multicopy molecular dynamics with diffraction constraints. Bringing into agreement diffraction and NMR data".
Intern.Biophysics Congr. IUPAB, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 1996, Coll.Abstr.
- Howard, E.I., Grigera, J.R., Podjarny, A.D. & Urzhumtsev A.G. (1996).
"Multicopy modeling of the solvent distribution in macromolecular crystals".
XVII Intern.Cryst.Congr., Seattle, USA, August 8-17, 1996, Coll.Abstr., C-86.
- Podjarny, A.D., Urzhumtsev, A.G., Howard, E.I. & Grigera, J.R. (1996).
"Modelisation multicopie de la distribution du solvant dans les cristaux macromoleculaires".
AFC96, 10-13 Sept. 1996, Toulouse, 42.
- Podjarny, A.D., Urzhumtsev, A.G. & Vernoslova, E.A. (1996).
"Very low resolution phasing attempts of the ribosome 50S particle from T. thermophilus by the Few Atoms Model method".
XVII Intern.Cryst.Congr., Seattle, USA, August 8-17, 1996, Coll.Abstr., C-67.
- Urzhumtsev, A.G., Podjarny, A.D., Mitschler, A., Tete-Favier, F., Barth, P., Biellmann, J.-F. & Moras, D. (1996).
"Etudes cristallographiques des complexes de l’aldose reductase et ses inhibiteurs".
Les Cahiers IMABIO, HS, 4, 82.
- Lunin, V.Yu., Lunina, N.L., Petrova, T.E., Vernoslova, E.A., Urzhumtsev, A.G. & Podjarny, A.D. (1995).
"On the ab-initio solution of the phase problem for macromolecules at very low resolution: the Few Atoms Models method".
4th European Workshop on Crystallography of Biological Macromolecules, Como(Italy), May 21-25, O19.
- Lunin, V.Yu., Urzhumtsev, A.G., Vernoslova, E.A., Lunina, N.L., Petrova, T.E. & Podjarny, A.D. (1995).
"La methode FAM pour le phasage ab-initio: Theorie".
AFC95, 24-27 Jan. 1995, Grenoble, P07a.
- Podjarny, A.D. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (1995).
"Le remplacement moleculaire a tres basse resolution".
AFC95, Jan. 1995, Grenoble, BL08.
- Urzhumtsev, A.G., Lunin, V.Yu., Vernoslova, E.A., Urzhumtseva, L.M. & Podjarny, A.D. (1995).
"La methode FAM pour le phasage ab-initio: Applications".
AFC95, 24-27 Jan. 1995, Grenoble, BL15.
- Urzhumtsev, A.G. & Podjarny, A.D. (1995).
"Very low resolution molecular replacement with envelope models".
4th European Workshop on Crystallography of Biological Macromolecules, Como(Italy), May 21-25, A04.
- Zagari, A., Sica, F., Vitagliano, L., Scarano, G., Urzhumtsev, A.G., Podjarny, A.D. & Bocchini, V. (1995).
"Cristallisation et analyse preliminaire par rayons X du facteur d’elongation hyperthermophile EF 1alpha".
AFC95, 24-27 Jan. 1995, Grenoble, P43.
- Zagari, A., Sica, F., Vitagliano, L., Scarano, G., Urzhumtsev, A.G., Podjarny, A.D. & Bocchini, V. (1995).
"Crystallisation and preliminary X-ray analysis of a hyperthermophilic Archael elongation factor 1a".
XXIV Congresso Nazionale, 27-29 Set. 1994, Pavia.
- Lunin, V.Yu., Lunina, N.L., Petrova, T.E., Vernoslova, E.A., Urzhumtsev, A.G. & Podjarny, A.D. (1994).
"A Monte Carlo Approach to low resolution phasing in protein crystallography".
ACA Annual Meeting, June 25 - July 1, 1994, INFORUM, Atlanta, Georgia, Atlanta Convention Center, 178.
- Podjarny, A.D., Urzhumtsev, A.G. & Navaza, J. (1994).
"On the solution of the molecular replacement problem at very low resolution: application to a ribosome model crystal".
ACA Annual Meeting, June 25 - July 1, 1994, INFORUM, Atlanta, Georgia, Atlanta Convention Center, 40.
- Tete, F., Barth, P., Mitschler, A., Podjarny, A.D., Rondeau, J.-M., Urzhumtsev, A.G., Biellmann, J.F. & Moras, D. (1994).
Proceeding of the 7th Symposia on Medical Chemistry, Paris.
- Urzhumtsev, A.G., Lunin, V.Yu., Vernoslova, E.A., Lunina, N.L., Petrova, T.E., Navaza, J. & Podjarny, A.D. (1994).
"Very low resolution phasing with simple models".
15th Eur. Cryst. Meeting, Dresden, Germany, 28.8-2.9/1994, Coll.Abstr., R.Oldenbourg Verlag, Munchen, 217.
- Urzhumtsev, A.G. & Podjarny, A.D. (1993).
"Enveloppes moleculaires modulées en fonction de la distance au bord".
Runion francophone de cristallographie de macromolécules", Ste Odile(Strasbourg), 2-5 Juin 1993, P1.
- Podjarny, A.D., Urzhumtsev, A.G., Cavarelli, J., Rees, B., Giege, R., Thierry, J.-C. & Moras, D. (1992).
"The low-resolution structure of the cubic form of the aspartyl tRNA synthetase complex: comparison of molecular replacement results and previous ab-initio low-resolution phasing".
XIVth Eur. Cryst. Meeting, 2-7 August 1992, Enschede, The Netherlands, 245.
- Urzhumtsev, A.G. (1992).
"PDB models: errors in stereochemistry".
XIVth Eur. Cryst. Meeting, 2-7 August 1992, Enschede, The Netherlands, 234.
- Urzhumtsev, A.G., Podjarny,A.D., Cavarelli, J., Rees, B., Giege, R., Thierry, J.-C. & Moras, D. (1992).
"Low-resolution phasing of the cubic form of the aspartyl tRNA synthetase complex confirmed by molecular replacement results".
Journees Annuelles de l’Association Francaise de Cristallographie; Paris, 5-7 Mai 1992, Ministere de la Recherche et de l’Espace, II-21.
- Lunin, V.Yu., Urzhumtsev, A.G. & Skovoroda, T.A. (1990).
"Direct low-resolution phasing in protein crystallography".
16th Int.School on Crystallography, Erice, Italy, 18-29 April, 1990, Coll.Abstr.
- Lunin, V.Yu., Urzhumtsev, A.G. & Skovoroda, T.A. (1990).
"Direct low-resolution phasing in protein crystallography".
Acta Cryst., A46, S, C-113.
- Morgunova, E.Yu., Urzhumtsev, A.G., Mikhailov, A.M. & Vainstein, B.K. (1990).
"The CMtV capsid protein structure at 6A resolution".
Acta Cryst., A46, S, C87-88.
- Urzhumtsev, A.G. (1990).
"Molecular bounding by two step filtration of SIR-synthesis".
Acta Cryst., A46, S, C-114.
- Chirgadze, Yu.N., Nevskaya, N.A., Urzhumtsev, A.G. & Vernoslova, E.A. (1989).
"Structure refinement of “dry” form of calf lens γ-crystalline IIIb at 1.9A resolution".
XIIth European Cryst. Meeting, Moscow, USSR, August 1989, Coll.Abstr., 2, 363.
- Chirgadze, Yu.N., Vernoslova, E.A., Nikonov, S.V., Sergeev, Yu.V., Brazhnikov, E.V., Fomenkova, N.P., Lunin, V.Yu. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (1989).
"Refined structure of calf lens g-crystalline IIIb at 2.5A resolution".
XIIth European Cryst. Meeting, Moscow, USSR, August 1989, Coll.Abstr., 2, 362.
- Urzhumtsev, A.G., Lunin, V.Yu. & Vernoslova, E.A. (1989).
"FROG - new refinement program".
XIIth European Cryst. Meeting, Moscow, USSR, August 1989, Coll.Abstr., 3, 193.
- Urzhumtsev, A.G., Lunin, V.Yu. & Luzyanina, T.B. (1986).
"Macromolecular position determination with a noisy synthesis at low resolution".
Xth European Cryst. Meeting, Wroclaw, Poland, Coll.Abstr., 1A-01, 51-52.
- Chirgadze, Yu.N., Nevskaya, N.A., Lunin, V.Yu. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (1984).
"Molecular structure of calf lens protein γ-crystalline at 2.7A resolution".
16-th FEBS Conference, Moscow, 1984, Coll.Abstr., 232.
- Lunin, V.Yu. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (1984).
"Program construction for refinement of the atomic structure of macromolecules based on the fast differentiation algorithm".
Acta Cryst., A40, S, C-18.
- Lunin, V.Yu., Urzhumtsev, A.G., Chirgadze, Yu.N., Fomenkova, N.P. & Nevskaya, N.A. (1984).
"Crystal structure of the calf lens protein gamma-crystalline III".
Acta Cryst., A40, S, C-32.
- Кузин А.П., Уржумцев А.Г. (1983).
"Уточнение кристаллической структуры актиноксантина при разрешении 1,8А МНК в обратном пространстве".
VI Всесоюзный симпозиум по химии белков и пептидов, Рига, ноябрь 1983, Тезисы докладов, 186.
- Фоменкова Н.П., Чиргадзе Ю.Н., Сергеев Ю.В., Невская Н.А., Никонов С.В., Лунин В.Ю., Уржумцев А.Г. (1982).
"Структура g-кристаллинов: функционирование, пространственная гомология доменов, функциональные группы".
I Всесоюзный Биофизический Конгресс, Москва 1982, Сборник тезисов, 17.
- Chirgadze, Yu.N., Sergeev, Yu.V., Fomenkova, N.P., Lunin, V.Yu. & Urzhumtsev, A.G. (1981).
"The structure γ-crystalline IIIb from calf lens".
Acta Cryst., A37, S, C-40.