
Laboratory of Computational Ecology

Computer and information support of geobotanical investigations

Scientific training activity

    All the researchers teach at the Department of System Ecology in the Education Center for Soil Science, Ecology and Natural Management of Pushchino State University. They give authentic courses of lectures and supervise the work of master’s students and post-graduate students.

    Methodical and information developments of the team are used at the Department of Geobotany of the Biological Faculty of Moscow State University and at the Ecology Department of Biological and Chemical Faculty of Mari State University.

    Original methods for the analysis of vegetation cover of forest territories (Assessment and sustaining, 2000) have been developed in cooperation with the Center for the Problems of Ecology and Forest Productivity, RAS and the Institute of Physicochemical and Biological Problems of Soil Science, RAS and adapted for undergraduate students and personnel of specially protected natural areas. The methods have been prepared for publication as a manual in the framework of the problem A.1.1.11 of the Global Environmental Facility Project "Sustaining of biodiversity" and has been published in a set of textbooks "Sustaining of biodiversity" (2002)