
Laboratory of Bioinformatics

The Laboratory is headed by Nafisa N. Nazipova, Ph. D. (Physics and Mathematics)

     In the middle eighties of the last century a new line of scientific investigations appeared. It was called bio-informatics, or, computational molecular biology. In the context of it algorithms for analysis of biopolymer sequences (DNA and proteins) and their spatial structure are being worked out; models for metabolism and regulatory interactions are being built; these models are used then for solving biological problems. Besides, specialists in this area are involved in data acquisition, structuring, and working out models of presentation of accumulated information.

     This work started in the IMPB in 1988. The work on analysis of polymer structure was carried out by the group, which was headed firstly by Alexey S. Kondrashov, Cand. Sc. (Biology), then by Svetlana A. Shabalina, Cand. Sc. (Biology).

     In 2004 the Laboratory of Bioinformatics was created.

    The laboratory is involved in working out and presenting informational-programming resources in the area of biology in the framework of the RAS investigations 5.30 (mathematical modeling in biology, bioinformatics).

    The main activities of the Laboratory are related to:

  • creating and support of www-resources in bioinformatics;
  • working out of software for analysis of genetic texts;
  • mathematical modeling of complex biological objects and phenomena.