
Отдел перспективных информационных технологий

Группа компьютерного моделирования наноструктур и биосистем

INTAS Project No 03-51-3967

TITLE: Ferroelectricity on the molecular level

Keywords: Dielectrics, Piezoelectrics, Ferroelectrics,
Films, Coating, Wires & Fibres
Atomic & Molecular Interactions

Free word : 0906 Surface, Interfaces & Microstructures
1803 Quantum Chemical Methods
0703 Statistical Physics, Thermophysics & Nonlinear Dynamical systems

Intended Start Date: January 2004

Duration: 36 Months

  • Riga Technical University - Latvia
  • Institute of Crystallography - Russia
  • Institute of Mathematical Problems of Biology - Russia
  • Saarland University - Germany

The project will develop and explore novel ultrathin ferroelectric (FE) Langmuir- Blodgett (LB) films, consisted of several molecular monolayers, fabricated from copolymerP(VDF-TrFE) (70/30) demonstrating a switching phenomena at a nanometer size scale to provide a ferroelectric local reversal polarization at a atomic-molecular scale. Preparations and studies of these new nano-materials will be carried out both experimentally and theoretically at the following approaches:

  • fabrication of multi-layers and domain structure of homogeneous ultrathin FE LB copolymer films as well as possible recognition of a domain size at the critical structural FE scale,
  • fabrication of both monolayer and multi-layer composite structure of heterogeneous FE LB copolymer ultrathin films , embedding insulator layers as well as situated on the semiconductors substrate,
  • formation of a composite ultrathin LB FE-semiconductors structure,
  • aging and degradation processes of all prepared structures.
All structures and speciments will be explored theoretically and experimentally, correspondingly:
  • surface properties and atomic-molecular structural alterations will be studied owing to STM and exoelectron emission technique,
  • high resolution time technique will applied on electrical characterization, polarization and conductance switching and others transients processes ,
  • computational modeling and simulation will be directed to all proposed models and mechanisms at both at the microscopic quantum-chemical scale l and for the condensed matter continuum.
The results will deliver new fundamental knowledge and practical applications:
  • novel nano-sized ultrathin copolymer FE LB based materials for nano- technological and molecular electronic applications will be reached,
  • new fundamental molecular mechanism of FE switching in the ultrathin FE LB films will be explored,
  • new computational technology and software for modeling and preparation of various FE LB structures and nano-devices will abe achieved, The results are planned for implementation for molecular electronics and nanotechnologies needs. New benefits in applications of nano-devices, such as completely new memory devices, will be challenged.